New Sculptures by Vivien Collens, Harry H. Gordon & Boaz Vaadia

This June 2022, we installed new sculptures by Vivien Collens, Harry H. Gordon & Boaz Vaadia.

Plan your visit to JSP and explore the new sculptures! Blue Circuit by Vivien Collens and Ze'ev with Cat by Boaz Vaadia (pictured above) are on exhibit in Native Hill. Monk by Harry H. Gordon is on exhibit in Kestrel Fields.

Harry H. Gordon shares, "Working with stones, I don't make a maquette - I just work with the stones. I turn them around, I hang them in different ways, and they talk to me and tell me what they want to do. This [Monk] seems like a simple piece, but there's actually a lot of cutting and figuring...the balance is very important." Learn more about his work and why he became a sculptor in his video interview (below) with Melanie VanHouten, JSP Founding Director.

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